

Monday, January 25, 2016

2016 Round 1 Almost Done!

Today is week 3 of my first round of 21 day fix extreme of the year. I still have to pause the workout to regroup and catch my breath. Plus I have been hungrier than ever! I been snacking on extra fruits and veggies just to keep me from eating things I shouldn't. This week is usually the hardest week to get through at least for me. Every time I start the 21 day fix in week three I really need to muster the energy and focus to follow through. I look forward to Sunday yoga at the end of this round. I will be waiting a week before I restart the program. I do feel slimmer and stronger though. During my week off I intend to still follow the meal plan, drink my shakeology and use my containers. The combination of the the three is what helped me lose my first 50 pounds. So why not continue? I will probably also do light cardio and some yoga within my rest week but nothing crazy. This mama needs a break. 2016 has just begun! So I will continue to be patient with myself and this journey. 

Saturday, January 16, 2016

New Normal

So this is a post Holiday Blog Post. And for someone on a fitness journey I really went through some struggles this holiday season. Not only was my eating out of control but also even having the energy to workout was a challenge. I did workouts but I wasn’t as consistent as I usually am. I realized something as a mom and wife. The holidays are exhausting even when you’re not on a fitness journey. So the exhaustion doubled on one.

 I am Puerto Rican and we have traditional holiday food like most cultures but ours are riddled with sugar, fat and salt. I had family members coming over with Choco flan cakes, flan, rice pudding aka arroz con dulce, pasteles and more. Also my husband makes great coquito and sells it through the holiday so we constantly had it in our house. Coquito is a Puerto Rican holiday punch. There was no escaping the goodies. I really tried my best to stay focus but I’d be lying to you if I told you I kept strong through it all. I was not. I had to try all of it. Maybe not in large portions but even trying it all was not benefitting my waistline. I can slowly feel the weight coming back on and my pouch hanging over. Grrrr. I was seriously getting angry with my self. I thought I had so much control.

Holidays are that time of year when most people gain, and then January comes then they want to lose weight and it becomes this life cycle. So I got on the scale and I hate the scale lol, but I was pleased to see I didn’t gain, I didn’t lose but I stood exactly the same weight the last time I weighed my self. I was relived. SO I GOT BACK ON TRACK. I restarted my 21-day fix extreme workout from scratch, drank my Shakeology 1 time a day and portioned my food intake with the portion control containers. After week 1 of 2016 I finally felt back to normal.


All of a sudden after a complete year of eating clean and working out this felt more normal to me than my old normal indulgent ways. Who is the woman I become?

I started to think and reflect. I never worked out for a full year in my life. Lol I felt great, I was less bitchy during PMS, less sensitive, happier, no longer depressed. I became focused. I focused on my husband and kids more; we had better communication and relationships. Really?? Can working out and eating clean help with all that too??!! It sure did. So I decided to embrace this NEW NORMAL and let it take over because it has improved my life. So hey why not?