

Saturday, December 27, 2014

The decision!!!!

My first round of 21 Day fix kicked my butt; it was so worth it though. I started this program a year after I had my second child. I did try to lose weight right away after I had her but nothing was working, I jogged, I ate less carbs but the weight was coming off so slowly. I was beginning to get super depressed. I knew I had to do something different. I worked part time and so going to a gym was not an option. Not only because of time, but I honestly just couldn’t afford it. Then, one day I saw my friend posted her before and after and our babies are about the same age and WOW, I said I have to do what she is doing. I inboxed her about the details and she told me about a clean eating challenge group. I decided I wanted to be a part of this group. Through the group I learned more about clean eating, shakeology and the new and amazing work outs that Beachbody has. I agreed with my friend to give it a try. I was all in!!!! I took pictures of my body that literally made me cringe but I knew it was what I had to do. I needed to face the cold hard reality of what I looked like. I needed to decide if I was happy with that image and honestly I wasn’t.

So the challenge began… I started the 21 day fix challenge group and met so many amazing supportive people who had similar goals to mine. We kept each other completely accountable and that’s exactly what I needed. That push to go hard and be consistent. I realized a lot of time we convince ourselves we don’t need to push harder but we do. The workout kicked my butt; I was completely out of shape. By the end of the challenge I not only lost 13 pounds but was also was able to do a full burpee without modification. That alone blew me away. So you ask whats next?
What comes after the 21 days? Well I am doing it again and again until I need no modification, then I am moving on to Insanity Max 30!!!! Working out and drinking Shakeology has giving me a new energy I didn’t know I had. I didn’t need coffee or diet pills.

 Also what really helped me is what I learned from the clean eating challenge. I have cut out processed food and sugar and I also used the portion control containers from the 21 Day fix program. Weight loss is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise.

I am still on my way to my fitness goals but I posted my before and after picture to show people, If I can do it so can you. In the past I would have never shown a full body shot but I know with my determination, commitment and results I have no need to shamefully hide anymore.

Because of the great support I got from my coach and the challenge group, it has inspired me to do the same for other people. It can be difficult to make a choice about changing your lifestyle and exercising. Like I said before I know if I can do it so can you and I want to help you do it too!!! I want to help you stay focused, support you every moment and motivate you to stay on top of your goal. If you are interested in losing weight, getting fit, eating right and getting healthy please email me at and I can recommend a exercise program and meal plan that meets your needs.

Team Beachbody is also starting a new challenge group starting January 5th. All you have to do is create a free account at and choose me as your coach. Submit your goals and a before picture and choose a work out (P90X, 21 Day Fix, Insanity, ect). If your not sure on what workout is right for you, please send me a message so I can help recommend a program that’s right for you. They have so many programs and supplements to chose from. Also they have the all amazing Shakeology that I love!!!!! I know part of my weight loss is due to this amazing shake. If you want to learn more about shakeology check out my site at