

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Baby Steps

Sometimes we just don't see the progress in the mirror and feel like giving up and saying FUCK THIS SHIT. I feel like I would have been so much closer to my goal but food is my problem. I love food!!! To cook it and eat it and try it. And I'm not perfect so of course though I try to stay strong I give into my belly at times. Then I think about why I started this journey in the first place and though I'm not at my goal, I do feel better and healthier than when I started. So through this is not a huge change. I'm super proud of the baby steps towards my goal. Nothing good happens over night , that's just not realistic thinking. 

I know as a coach I'm suppose to stay focused and on track but I guess that's what makes a coach relatable, you fall off and get right back up. It's human and real. 

I'm currently returning back to basics with 21 day fix Modified only moves. I figured I still be getting a great workout without overworking myself and so far so good. I'm still soar as hell. I am following the meal plan as well with the portion control containers. I'm at a point that even super slow progress is still progress and I'm grateful to be able to do it. 

I really hope my message helps someone get on track too. If you want to join me on my challenge and your ready for a change email me at I would love if we can motivate each other.